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1978.02 - 1982.01 西北大学 植物生理专业 理学学士

1982.02 - 1984.12 西北大学 植物发育生理专业 理学硕士

1988.04 - 1993.02 德国Hohenehim 植物生理 理学博士



1984.12 - 1988.03  西北大学生物系植物生理教研室工作、讲师

1994.04 - 1996.01  中国农业大学生物学院植物生理生化博士后流动站,博士后

1996.02 - 2017.05  中国农业大学植物营养系 教授

2017.09-        国际镁营养研究所













1 出版专著





《Plant nutrition for food security, human health and environmental protection》, Proceedings of the XV International Plant Nutrition Colloquium held in Beijing PR China,李春俭主编, Tsinghua University Press,2005

《土壤与植物营养研究新动态(第四卷)》,李春俭主编,中国农业大学出版社, 2001


2 近几年发表的部分文章

Yu P, Kai Eggert, Nicolaus von Wirén, Chunjian Li, Frank Hochholdinger. 2015. Cell-type specific gene expression analyses by RNA-Seq reveal local high nitrate triggered lateral root initiation in shoot-borne roots of maize by modulating auxin-related cell cycle-regulation. Plant Physiology 169: 690–704.

Yu P, Frank Hochholdinger, Li CJ. 2015. Root-type specific plasticity in response to localized high nitrate supply in maize (Zea mays L.). Annals of Botany 116: 751-762.

Yu P, Philip J. White, Li CJ. 2015. New insights to lateral rooting: differential responses to heterogeneous nitrogen availability among maize root types. Plant Signaling & Behavior, DOI: 10.1080/15592324.2015.1013795

Yu P, Jutta A. Baldauf, A Lithio, C Marcon, D Nettleton, CJ Li, F Hochholdinger. 2016. Root type-specific reprogramming of maize pericycle transcriptomes by local high nitrate results in disparate lateral root branching patterns. Plant Physiology170: 1783–1798.

Liu HT, Philip J. White, CJ Li. 2016. Biomass partitioning and rhizosphere responses of maize and faba bean to phosphorus deficiency. Crop & Pasture Science 67: 847–856.

Yu P, Caroline Gutjahr, CJ Li, Frank Hochholdinger. 2016. Genetic Control of Lateral Root Formation in Cereals. Trends in Plant Science 21(11): 951–961.

Liu HT, Tang CX, CJ Li. 2016. The effects of nitrogen form on root morphological and physiological adaptations of maize, white lupin and faba bean under phosphorus deficiency. AoB PLANTS, 8plw058

Peng YF, Zeng XT, Houx III JH, Boardman DL, Li CJ, Fritschi FB. 2016. Pre- and post-silking carbohydrate concentrations in maize ear-leaves and developing ears in response to nitrogen availability. Crop Science 56: 1–10.

Wang C, White PJ, Li CJ. 2017 Colonization and community structure of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in maize roots at different depths in the soil profile respond differently to phosphorus inputs on a long-term experimental site. Mycorrhiza 27(4), 369-381.

Ning P, Fritschi FB, CJ Li. 2017. Temporal dynamics of post-silking nitrogen fluxes and their effects on grain yield in maize under low to high nitrogen inputs. Field Crops Research 204: 249–259.

Yu P, C Wang, JA Baldauf, HH Tai, C Gutjahr, F Hochholdinger, CJ Li. 2018. Root type and soil phosphate determine the taxonomic landscape of colonizing fungi and the transcriptome of field-grown maize roots. New Phytologist, 2171240-1253

Ning P, Yang L, Li CJ, Felix B. Fritschi. 2018. Post-silking carbon partitioning under nitrogen deficiency revealed sink limitation of grain yield in maize. Journal of Experimental Botany, 24 March, 69(7): 1707–1719

Yu P, F Hochholdinger, CJ Li. 2019. Plasticity of lateral root branching in maize. Frantiers in Plant Science, 29 March doi: 10.3389/fpls.2019.00363