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2020 年 1 月 16 日,中国农业大学和法国农科院签订协议,合作成立了中法农业生态——农业绿色发展联合实验室(中法联合实验室),本实验室将以华北平原和法国粮食主产区为主要研究对象,从细胞到个体、到群体、再到区域不同尺度,用综合方法对农业生态转型进行理论分析和实际应用的研究,推动双方合作。中法实验室博士项目主要围绕可持续作物体系设计与植物-土壤-微生物互作的机制研究开展,欢迎有意向出国攻读博士学位的国内应届毕业生或取得国外学位 1 年内的硕士毕业生申请。具体申请流程需参照学校研究生院发布的“关于开展 2021 年国家建设高水平大学公派研究生项目申报工作的通知”。中法联合实验室将为同学对外联系和申请材料准备提供必要的支持。

2021 年中法联合试验室发布以下 3 个博士项目:
⚫ Crying for help: unravel the defending strategies of plant under biotic stress.Cosupervisors: Sylvain Jeandroz, Marion Prudent, Christophe Salon, Chunxu Song
⚫ Analysis and modeling of emergence success, the biomass production potential, and nutrient uptake of cover crops to design low-input diversified cropping systems in the North China Plain. Co-supervisors: Jay-Ram Lamichane, Wenfeng Cong
⚫ Core functional microbiota: identification and involvement in plant nutrition. Co-supervisors: Barbara Pivato, Philippe Lemanceau, JingJing Peng

欢迎有 agronomy, crop modelling, cropping system, farming system, plant ecology, plant nutrition, soil science, plant-soil interactions,microbial ecology, molecular microbiology 等背景的同学积极报名,报名截止 2020 年 3 月 5日,报名材料包括 CV 和 motivation letter。
             丛汶峰 Email:wenfeng.cong@cau.edu.cn
中国农业大学-法国农科院中法联合实验室2021 年 2 月 20 日



Project 1:Crying for help: unravel the defending strategies of plant under biotic stress.I NRAE supervisors: Sylvain Jeandroz, Marion Prudent, Christophe SalonCAU supervisor: Chunxu SongPlants have evolved effective defense mechanisms that fend off most of pathogen attacks. These defenses including anti-microbial compounds and cell wall reinforcement are triggered when plant receptors recognized compounds of the pathogen or compounds delivered during pathogen attacks, called PAMPs/DAMPs/MAMPs or more generally elicitors of plant defense. However, the underlying molecular mechanisms of how plant immunity affect plant-associated microbial communities, particularly beneficial microbes, are largely unknown. This knowledge is important to reciprocally better understand the effect of microbes on plant immunity by symbionts and to improve methods of biological control. Therefore, in this project, we are aiming to: 1) investigate the plant response and performance under biotic stress (in this case exposure to elicitors), in presence and absence of soil microbes.2) investigate the underlying mechanism of how plant recruit their associated microbiome under biotic stress.Taken together, this will provide insight on how plants select their microbial communities under biotic condition and how microbiota could influence plant immunity (IR). Meanwhile, it will also reveal how beneficial microbes can promote plant performance.For more information related to this project, please contact us via chunxu.song@cau.edu.cn or sylvain.jeandroz@agrosupdijon.fr or marion.prudent@inrae.fr


Project 2:Analysis and modeling of emergence success, the biomass production potential, and nutrient uptake of cover crops to design low-input diversified cropping systems in the North China Plain INRAE supervisors: Jay-Ram LAMICHHANECAU supervisor: Wen-Feng CongCovers crops have been widely demonstrated to deliver multiple ecosystem services, which is a typical eco-friendly diversified cropping system practice for sustainable agriculture. Despite the multifunctionality of cover crops, a successful establishment ofcover crops remain a challenge. Little is known about the emergence success, biomass potential and nutrient update of these crops, and the key factors leading to emergence losses and their hierarchical ranking in terms of importance. This project aims to study the quality of cover crop establishment, their biomass production and the quantity of soil N, P, and K uptake by them in the North China Plain in the context of climate change using experimental and modelling approaches. The work will be used to establish innovative cover crop-based cropping systems, which has huge potential for designing and constructing sustainable cropping systems in North China Plain under future climate scenarios.For more information related to this project, please contact us via wenfeng.cong@cau.edu.cn or jay-ram.lamichhane@inrae.fr


Project 3:Core functional microbiota: identification and involvement in plant nutrition INRAE supervisors: Barbara Pivato, Philippe Lemanceau, CAU supervisor: Jingjing Peng Functional core microbiota defined as a microbial community harboring functional genes was beneficial for plant growth and health. These functional genes (replicators) would be associated with a given plant genotype whatever the soil in which the plant is grown. Additionally, replicators can be carried by different vehicles depending on the taxonomic diversity of the resident microbial populations that may vary depending upon the soil types. However, the beneficial effect on plant growth and health of the plant species harboring the corresponding core microbiota remains to be demonstrated together with the specificity of these effects. This demonstration would open avenues for identifying plant traits involved in the recruitment of the corresponding functional core microbiota and applying them in breeding program. For more information related to this project, please contact us via jingjing.peng@cau.edu.cn; barbara.pivato@inrae.fr; philippe.lemanceau@inrae.fr