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1990.09-1994.06 山西大学 化学系 本科理学学士

2000.09-2002.07 中国农业大学 植物营养系 农学硕士

2002.09-2005.06 中国农业大学 植物营养系 农学博士



1994.08-2000.08 山西省 偏关县农业局 助理农艺师

2005.07-2007.12 中国农业大学 资源与环境学院 讲师

其中:2006.01-2007.01 英国洛桑研究所 博士后

2007.12-2014.12 中国农业大学 资源与环境学院 副教授

其中:2011.07-2012.07 美国俄亥俄州立大学 访问学者

2014.12-        中国农业大学资源与环境学院 教授



联合国粮农组织Asia-Pacific Network on Integrated Plant Nutrient Management 总协调(2008-)

中国土壤学会第十一届理事会土壤肥力与肥料专业委员会 副主任(2008-2012)
















1. Wenliang Wei, Yun Yan, Jian Cao, Peter Christie, Fusuo Zhang, Mingsheng Fan*, Effects of combined application of organic amendments and fertilizers on crop yield and soil organic matter: an integrated analysis of long-term experiments. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 225 (2016), 86-92.

2. 武良, 张卫峰, 陈新平, 崔振岭, 范明生, 陈清, 张福锁. 2016. 中国农田氮肥投入和生产效率. 中国土壤和肥料, 4(2016), 76-83.

3. 乔磊, 江荣风, 张福锁, 范明生, 土壤基础地力对水稻体系的增产与稳产作用研究. 中国科技论文, 2016, 11(9), 1031-1034, 1045. 


1. Ning An, Mingsheng Fan*, Fusuo Zhang, Peter Christie, Jianchang Yang, Jianliang Huang, Shiwei Guo, Xiaojun Shi, Qiyuan Tang, Jianwei Peng, Xuhua Zhong, Yixiang Sun, Shihua Lv, Rongfeng Jiang, Achim Dobermann, Exploiting co-benefits of increased rice production and reduced greenhouse gas emission through optimized crop and soil management. PLoS ONE, 2015, 10(10), e0140023. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.01400.

2. Jian Cao, Juhwan Lee, Yun Yan, Johan Six, Fusuo Zhang and Mingsheng Fan*, Potential denitrification-derived N2O emissions across soil profile in highly managed arable soils. European Journal of soil biology, 68 (2015), 94-100.

3. Xinming Yang, Haiqing Chen, Yuanshi Gong, Xunhua Zheng, Mingsheng Fan, Yakov Kuzyakov, Nitrous oxide emissions from an agro-pastoral ecotone of northern China depending on land uses. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 213(2015), 241–251.

4. 安宁, 范明生*, 张福锁, 水稻最佳养分管理技术的增产增效研究. 植物营养与肥料学报, 2015, 2(14), 846-852.


1. Haiqing Chen, Mingsheng Fan, Yakov Kuzyakov, Norbert Billen, Karl Stahr, Comparison of net ecosystem CO2 exchange in cropland and grassland with an automated closed chamber system. Nutr Cycl Agroecosyst, 98(2014), 113–124.

2. Xinping Chen, Zhenling Cui, Mingsheng Fan et al., Producing more grain with lower environmental costs. Nature, 514(2014), 486-489.

3. Qiong Liang, Haiqing Chen, Yuanshi Gong, Hefa Yang, Mingsheng Fan, Yakov Kuzyakov,  Effects of 15 years of manure and mineral fertilizers on enzyme activities in particle-size fractions in a North China Plain soil. European Journal of Soil Biology, 60 (2014) 112e119.

4. Wenting Feng, Mingguang. Xu, Mingsheng Fan, S. S. Malhi, J. J. Schoenau, J. Six, and A. F. Plante, Testing for soil carbon saturation behavior in agricultural soils receiving long-term manure amendments. Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 2014, 94(3), 281-294.


1. Mingsheng Fan, Rattan Lal, Jian Cao, Lei Qiao, Yanseng Su, Rongfeng Jiang, Fusuo Zhang, Plant-based assessment of inherent soil productivity and contributions to China’s cereal crop yield increase since 1980. PLoS ONE, 2013, 8(9), e74617. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0074617

2. Jing Tian, Michaela Dippold, Johanna Pausch, Evgenia Blagodatskaya, Xiaolin Li, Mingsheng Fan*, Yakov Kuzyakov, Microbial response to rhizodeposition depending on water regimes in paddy soils. Soil Biol. Biochem., 65 (2013), 195-203.

3. Jing Tian, Shihua Lu, Mingsheng Fan*, Xiaolin Li, Yakov Kuzyakov, Integrated management systems and N fertilization: effect on soil organic matter in rice-rapeseed rotation. Plant and Soil, 372 (2013), 53–63.

4. Jing Tian, Shihua Lu, Mingsheng Fan*, Xiaolin Li, Yakov Kuzyakov, Labile soil organic matter fractions as influenced by non-flooded mulching cultivation and cropping season in rice-wheat rotation. European Journal of soil biology, 56(2013), 19-25.

5. Jing Tian, Johanna Pausch, Mingsheng Fan*, Xiaolin Li, Qiyuan Tang & Yakov Kuzyakov, Allocation and dynamics of assimilated carbon in rice-soil system depending on water management. Plant and soil, 263(2013), 273-285.

6. Guangming Zhao, Yuxin Miao, Hongye Wang, Minmin Su, Mingsheng Fan, Fusuo Zhang, Rongfeng Jiang, Zujian Zhang, Cheng Liu, Penghuan Liu, Dequan Ma, A preliminary precision rice management system for increasingboth grain yield and nitrogen use efficiency. Field Crops Research, 154 (2013) 23–30.

7. Jianbo Shen,  Zhenling Cui, Yuxin Miao, Guohua Mi, Hongyan Zhang, Mingsheng Fan, Chaochun Zhang, Rongfeng Jiang, Weifeng Zhang, Haigang Li, Xinping Chen, Xiaolin Li, Fusuo Zhang, Transforming agriculture in China: From solely high yield to both high yield and high resource use ef?ciency. Global Food Security, 2013.


1. Mingsheng Fan, Shihua Lu, Rongfeng Jiang, Johan Six, Fusuo Zhang, Long-term non-flooded mulching cultivation influences rice productivity and soil organic carbon. Soil use and management, 28(2012), 544–550.

2. Mingsheng Fan, Jianbo Shen, Lixing Yuan, Rongfeng Jiang, Xinping Chen, William J Davies & Fusuo Zhang, Improving crop productivity and resource use efficiency to ensure food security and environmental quality in China. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2012, 63(1), 13-24.

3. Yun Yan, Jing Tian, Mingsheng Fan *, Fusuo Zhang, Xiaolin Li, Peter Christie, Haiqing Chen, Junwan Lee, Yakov Kuzyakov, Johan Six, Soil organic carbon and total nitrogen in intensively managed arable soils. Agriculture, ecosystems & environment, 150(2012), 102-110.

4. Jing Tian, Mingsheng Fan*, Jingheng Guo, Petra Marschner, Xiaolin Li, Yakov Kuzyakov, Effects of land use intensity on dissolved organic carbon properties and microbial community structure. European Journal of soil biology, 52(2012), 67-72.

5. Mike J.Gooding, Mingsheng Fan, Steve P. McGrath, Peter R. Shewry, Fang-Jie Zhao, Contrasting effects of dwarfing alleles and nitrogen availability on mineral concentrations in wheat grain. Plant and Soil, 360(2012), 93–107.

6. Fusuo Zhang, Zhenling Cui, Xinping Chen, XiaotangJu, Jianbo Shen, Qing Chen, Xuejun Liu,Weifeng Zhang, Guohua Mi, Mingsheng Fan, and Rongfeng Jiang, Integrated Nutrient Management for Food Security and Environmental Quality in China.  Advances in Agronomy, 116(2012), 1-32.

7. Qiong Liang, Haiqing Chen, Yuanshi Gong, Mingsheng Fan, HefaYang, Rattan Lal, Yakov Kuzyakov, Effects of 15 years of manure and inorganic fertilizers on soil organic carbon fractions in a wheat-maize system in the North China Plain. Nutrent Cyclying in Agroecosystem, 92(2012), 21–33.

8. 郭大勇, 范明生, 张福锁, 农田土壤黑碳应用研究进展. 植物营养与肥料学报, 2012, 18 (5), 1252-1261.


1. Fusuo Zhang, Zhenling Cui, Mingsheng Fan, Weifeng Zhang, Xinping Chen, Rongfeng Jiang, Integrated Soil-Crop System Management: Reducing Environmental Risk While Increasing Crop Productivity and Improving Nutrient Use Efficiency in China. Journal of Environmental Quality, 40(2011), 1051-1057.

2. 田静, 郭景恒, 陈海青, 李晓林, 范明生*, 吕润海, 魏荔, 土地利用方式对土壤溶解性有机碳组成的影响. 土壤学报, 2011, 48(2), 338-346.


1. Baokun Lei, Mingsheng*, Qing Chen, Johan Six, Fusuo Zhang, Conversion of Wheat–Maize to Vegetable Cropping Systems Changes Soil Organic Matter Characteristics Soil. Sci. Soc. Am. J. 74(2010), 1320-1326.


1. Mingsheng Fan, Shihua Lu, Rongfeng Jiang, Xuejun Liu, Fusuo Zhang, Triangular transplanting pattern and split nitrogen fertilizer application increase rice yield and nitrogen fertilizer recovery. Agronomy J., 101(2009), 1421-1425.

2. Liangliang Jia, Mingsheng Fan*, Fusuo Zhang, Xinping Chen, Shihua Lu, Yiming Sun, Nitrogen Status Diagnosis of Rice by Using a Digital Camera. Spectroscopy and Spectral analysis, 2009, 29 (08), 2176-2179.

3. Haiqing Chen, Ruixing Hou, Yuanshi Gong, Hongwen Li, Mingsheng Fan and Yakov Kuzyakov, Effects of 11 years of conservation tillage on soil organic matter fractions in wheat monoculture in Loess Plateau of China. Soil Tillage Research, 2009, 106 (1), 85-94.


1. Mingsheng Fan, Fangjie Zhao, P.R. Poulton, and S.P. Mcgrath, Historical changes in the concentrations of selenium in soil and wheat grain from the Broadbalk experiment over the last 160 years. Science of the total environmental, 389(2008), 532-538.

2. Mingsheng Fan, Fangjie Zhao, Sue Fairweather, P.R. Poulton, Sarah J Dunham and S.P. Mcgrath, Evidence of decreasing mineral density in wheat grain from the Broadbalk experiment over the last 160 years. Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology, 22(2008), 315-324.

3. Mingsheng Fan, Zhenling Cui, Xinping Chen, Rongfeng Jiang & Fusuo Zhang, Integrated nutrient management for improving crop yields and nutrient utilization efficiencies in China. Journal of soil and water conservation, 2008, 63 (4), 126A-128A JUL-AUG.

4. Haiqing Chen, Mingsheng Fan, N Billen, Karl Stahr, Yakov Kuzyakov, Effect of land use types on decomposition of 14C-labelled maize residue (Zea mays L.). European Journal of Soil Biology, 45(2008), 125-130.

5. Weifeng Zhang, Wenqi Ma, Yuexiu Ji, Mingsheng Fan, Fusuo Zhang, Oene Oenema, Efficiency, economics, and environmental implications of phosphorus resource use and the fertilizer industry in China. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 80(2008), 131-144.

6. 范明生, 江荣风, 张福锁, 吕世华, 刘学军. 水旱轮作系统作物养分管理策略. 应用生态学报. 2008, 19 (2), 424-432.

7. 范明生, 樊红柱, 吕世华, 曾祥忠, 石孝均, 刘维震, 江荣风, 张福锁, 西南地区水旱轮作系统养分管理存在问题分析与管理策略建议, 西南农业学报, 2008, 21(6), 1564-1568.

8. 雷宝坤, 陈清, 范明生, 张福锁, 甘延东, 寿光设施菜田碳、氮演变及其对土壤性质的影响。植物营养与肥料学报,  2008, 14(5), 914-922.


1. Mingsheng Fan, Shihua Lu, Rongfeng Jiang, Xuejun Liu, Xiangzhong Zeng, Keith W.T. Goulding, Fusuo Zhang, Nitrogen input, 15N balance and mineral N dynamics in a rice-wheat rotation in southwest China. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 2007, 79(3)243-253.


1. 马林, 王方浩, 马文奇, 张福锁, 范明生, 中国东北地区中长期畜禽粪尿资源与污染潜力估算. 农业工程学报. 2006, 22 (8), 170-174.

2. 曹宁, 曲东, 陈新平, 张福锁, 范明生, 东北地区农田土壤氮, 磷平衡及其对面源污染的贡献分析. 西北农林科技大学学报(自然科学版), 2006, 34(7), 127-133.


1. Mingsheng Fan, Rongfeng Jiang, Xuejun Liu, Fusuo Zhang, Shihua Lu, Xiangzhong Zeng & Peter Christie, Interactions between non-flooded mulching cultivation and varying N inputs in rice-wheat rotations. Field Crops Research, 91(2005), 307-318.

2. Mingsheng Fan, Xuejun Liu, Rongfeng Jiang, Fusuo Zhang, Shihua Lu, Xiangzhong Zeng & Peter Christie. 2005. Crop yields, internal nutrient use efficiency, and changes in soil properties in rice-wheat rotations under non-flooded mulching cultivation. Plant and Soil, 2005, 277(1-2), 265-276.

3. Xuejun Liu, Yingwei Ai, Fusuo Zhang, Shihua Lu, Xiangzhong Zeng & Mingsheng Fan, Crop production, nitrogen recovery and water use efficiency in rice-wheat rotation as affected by non-flooded mulching cultivation (NFMC). Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 2005, 71(3) 289-299.


1. 范明生, 刘学军, 江荣风, 张福锁, 吕世华, 曾祥忠, 覆盖旱作方式和施氮水平对稻-麦轮作体系生产力和氮素利用的影响.生态学报, 2004, 24(11), 2591-2596.


1. Wang L.J., Wan Y.H., Li. M., Fan M.S., Zhang F.S., Wu X.M., Yang W.S., Li T.J., Synthesis of ordered biosilica materials. Chinese Journal of Chemistry, 20(2002), 107-110.


1. 王荔军, 王运华, 范明生, 张朝春, 聂青, 张文绪, 张福锁, 杨文胜, 李铁津, 有序介观

尺寸生物SiO2 针的合成. 化学学报, 2001, 59(12), 2213-2216.