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姓名:宁 鹏








2006.09-2010.07 西北农林科技大学 资源与环境科学专业 本科 理学学士

2010.09-2017.01 中国农业大学 植物营养系 农学博士

2014.07-2016.07 美国密苏里大学 植物科学系 联合培养博士研究



2017.03-2020.08    西北农林科技大学 农业资源与环境 师资博士后

2020.09-                     中国农业大学 资源与环境学院 副教授



1. 植物营养生理与高产高效

2. 作物碳氮代谢

3. 养分管理与作物品质

4. 绿色作物生产实现途径







1.         国家自然科学基金青年项目,31801929,叶面喷锌促进小麦籽粒富锌的生理及分子机制,2019/01-2021/12,主持。

2.         中国博士后科学基金第64批面上资助,锌在小麦籽粒不同组织中的分配动态及驱动机制,2018/08-2020/08,主持。

3.         陕西省自然科学基础研究计划一般项目(青年),2018JQ3072,小麦花后体内锌转运特征及籽粒富锌的生理机制,2018/01-2019/12,主持。

4.         黄土高原土壤侵蚀与旱地农业国家重点实验室开放基金,A314021402-1907,玉米开花期干旱与复水调控籽粒发育及碳同化物运输的机制,2019/01-2020/12,主持。





Ning, P., Zhang, X.Y., Wu, T.Q., Li, Y.F., Wang, S.X., Fei, P.W., Dong, J.J., Shi, J.L., Tian, X.H. (2021), Biofortification of wheat with zinc as affected by foliar applications of zinc, pesticides, phosphorus and biostimulants. Crop and Pasture Science, (accepted)

Ning, P., Maw, M.J.W., Yang, L. and Fritschi, F.B. (2021), Carbon accumulation in kernels of low‐nitrogen maize is not limited by carbon availability but by an imbalance of carbon and nitrogen assimilates. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science. https://doi.org/10.1002/jpln.202000112



Li X, Li Y, Wu T, Qu C, Ning P, Shi J, Tian X. (2020) Potassium fertilization combined with crop straw incorporation alters soil potassium fractions and availability in northwest China: An incubation study. PLOS ONE 15(7): e0236634. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0236634



Wang C., Ning P.* 2019. Post-silking phosphorus recycling and carbon partitioning in maize under low to high phosphorus inputs and their effects on grain yield. Frontiers in Plant Science, 10:784. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2019.00784

Ning P., Wang S., Fei P., Zhang X., Dong J., Shi J.; Tian X. 2019. Enhancing zinc accumulation and bioavailability in wheat grains by integrated zinc and pesticide application. Agronomy, 9, 530.

Zhao, H, Ning, P, Chen, Y, et al. Effect of straw amendment modes on soil organic carbon, nitrogen sequestration and crop yield on the North‐Central Plain of China. Soil Use Manage. 2019; 35: 511– 525. https://doi.org/10.1111/sum.12482

Zhao, H., Jiang, Y., Ning, P., Liu, J., Zheng, W., Tian, X., Shi, J., Xu, M., Liang, Z. and Shar, A.G. (2019), Effect of Different Straw Return Modes on Soil Bacterial Community, Enzyme Activities and Organic Carbon Fractions. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J., 83: 638-648. https://doi.org/10.2136/sssaj2018.03.0101

Wang, S., Zhang, X., Liu, K., Fei, P., Chen, J., Li, X., Ning, P., Chen, Y., Shi, J. and Tian, X. (2019), Improving Zinc Concentration and Bioavailability of Wheat Grain through Combined Foliar Applications of Zinc and Pesticides. Agronomy Journal, 111: 1478-1487. https://doi.org/10.2134/agronj2018.09.0597


Ning P., Yang L., Li C., Fritschi F.B. 2018. Post-silking carbon partitioning under nitrogen deficiency revealed sink limitation of grain yield in maize. Journal of Experimental Botany, 69(7), pp.1707-1719.

Ning P., Peng Y., Fritschi F., 2018. Carbohydrate dynamics in maize leaves and developing ears in response to nitrogen application. Agronomy, 8(12), pp.302.


Ning P., Fritschi F.B., Li C., 2017. Temporal dynamics of post-silking nitrogen fluxes and their effects on grain yield in maize under low to high nitrogen inputs. Field Crops Research, 204, pp.249-259.


Ning P, Li S, White PJ, Li C. 2015. Maize varieties released in different eras have similar root length density distributions in the soil, which are negatively correlated with local concentrations of soil mineral nitrogen. PloS ONE, 10(3), e0121892.

Ning P, Li S, Li X, Li C. 2014. New maize hybrids had larger and deeper post-silking root than old ones. Field Crops Research, 166, pp.66-71.

Ning P, Li S, Yu P, Zhang Y, Li C. 2013. Post-silking accumulation and partitioning of dry matter, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in maize varieties differing in leaf longevity. Field Crops Research, 144, pp.19-27.

Ning P, Liao C, Li S, Yu P, Zhang Y, Li X, Li C. 2012. Maize cob plus husks mimics the grain sink to stimulate nutrient uptake by roots. Field Crops Research, 130, pp.38-45.

Peng Y., Yu P., Zhang Y., Sun G., Ning P., Li X., Li C. 2012. Temporal and spatial dynamics in root length density of field-grown maize and NPK in the soil profile. Field Crops Research, 131, pp. 9-16.


李春俭等著, 玉米高产与养分高效的理论基础, 中国农业大学出版社, 2018年(国家出版基金项目),参编.